About DatingAdvisor.co.nz
Online dating has changed the game in how others go out meeting new people. It’s responsible for how we stay in touch with others, find new people, and even meet the man or woman of your dreams. Regardless of this new trend of online dating, it, like most things, changes constantly. New sites and apps are coming up to make a name for themselves in the New Zealand market. Apart from dating for the long term, other categories, like casual dating, are also popping up on a regular basis. How can a single keep up with all of the new and emerging online dating outlets out there? DatingAdvisor.co.nz has the answer.
Our Mission
DatingAdvisor is viewed as solitary and unbiased group of researchers who specialize in studying sites and apps related to matchmaking, dating, and love. They test these dating outlets based on cost, reputation, and overall value to determine success. They do this to ensure that singles in New Zealand are always in the know about which sited are best for them as individuals. They have made comparison and provided some practical tips on what they can do to up their chances of being successful with online dating. All tips are centered around personal experiences along with comments from people that use the service.
Points of Focus
Rating of dating sites
The daily assessment of how successful people will be on certain sites is the main focus of our work. We constantly look and test different sites to see if they fit the bill. After using different profiles and deciding how accurate the results are, we generate a test report.
Tips for online dating
Since you don’t really know who’s behind the computer screen, online dating can be cumbersome for the new user. Our years of experiences helps us to give you tips on how to use dating apps and sites without wasting time or getting disappointed in your results.
Background Info and Studies
We conduct and take part in many studies of the dating market to get a better understanding of current trends. We tend to focus on a major category or theme such as dating via mobile phone.
In Numbers

Meet the Team
The Editorial Team
The editorial team has a host of editors and journalists with a passion for the subject of dating in the online sphere. Most have a professional resume that involved a lot of online dating pieces, so they know their stuff about the industry. We take pride in our editorial team and enjoy working with them on a daily basis. Most importantly, we love to hear about other users’ experiences with the different dating and love apps/websites. We want the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The Initiators
Artur works directly with the dating providers
Philipp is in charge of internal operations
Florian is the website tech that makes sure everything is working correctly
If you ask us which dating site is best, we always give the same answer: there’s no such thing. It all boils down to what you’re trying to whether you value flirting, love, age, location, or adventure.
Ratings and Commissions
Unlike many other dating organizations out there, DatingAdvisor prides itself on publishing expert advice, tips, and guidance related to dating online absolutely free of charge.
However, we are transparent with saying that we do not necessarily work for free. We receive commission from dating services; however, we are still unbiased in our opinions of which is the best for our users. We even try to negotiate with other providers to give similar commissions; therefore, the highest bidder per say is not as important as one may think. The commission we receive is used strictly to pay our editors and journalists while also maintaining the website.
Regardless of any money that may be involved on our end, we still tend to steer users into the direction of a free site, specifically if they want to try online dating for the first time. DatingAdvisor is more of a helping hand with the goal of steering users into the right direction and eliminating unnecessary pitfalls that newbies run into. We do not receive any commission until a user is confident in the website and decides to make a premium purchase. Therefore, we carefully study dating sites for specific groups while also making recommendations based on location. Essentially, we are only satisfied when our users are satisfied because he or she will only stay with a particular site if they are able to connect with the right people.